Emergency Service
The orthodontic emergency service can be reached outside of regular opening hours. You can obtain the current emergency and support numbers by calling the answering machine at our clinic or by consulting the website of the Berlin Association of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists (KZV).
Orthodontic Emergency Service
- >> Weekends and holidays from 10:00 – 14:00
- Tel. 030 / 89004-333
- >> The following clinics are available from 20:00 – 2:00
- Orthodontic Clinic and Outpatient Clinic of the Benjamin Franklin University Clinic
- Aßmannshauser Straße 4 – 6
- 14197 Berlin-Wilmersdorf
- Tel. 030 844 56 3 79
- www.charite.de
- Klinikum am Friedrichshain
- Landesberger Allee 49
- 10249 Berlin-Friedrichshain
- Tel. 030 422 11 4 37
- www.vivantes.de